Child Support Resource Center

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Speak to a free lawyer!

If you have a paternity or child support case in D.C. Superior Court, you can talk to family law lawyers who can give free legal information, advice, or representation.

For help, please call: (202) 791-3996

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 3:00pm

If you call during the Hours of Operation, you can get help on the same day as your hearing.

If you call outside the Hours of Operation, leave a voicemail. Someone will call you back the next business day.

  • The Child Support Resource Center can give information or advice if:
    • Someone filed a child support case against you; or
    • You’re trying to get child support from someone; or
    • You’re involved in a paternity or child support case in any other way.
  • If the Center can’t help you, it can connect you to someone who can.
  • Lawyers at the Child Support Resource Center don’t work for the government, the Office of the Attorney General, or the Court.